Can Turtles Eat Cranberries?

Turtles love cranberries! In fact, a healthy helping of cranberries can actually be good for your pet. Cranberries are very low in calories and are a good source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Plus, they are one of the few fruits that is high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune … Read more

Can Turtles Eat Algae?

Algae can be found in fresh, salt and marine water. There are many different varieties of algae that can be found worldwide and they can survive a range of environmental conditions including areas with low light or a lack of nutrients. Turtles can eat algae but their diet is dependent on the species. Larger turtles … Read more

Can Turtles Eat Mealworms?

Turtles can eat mealworms as food. However, these are not a good staple to feed them all the time because of the high protein and because they can produce more waste than they can handle in some cases. They can be used occasionally for treats however. Mealworms can be fed to your pet turtle only … Read more

Can Red Eared Sliders Eat Watermelon?

Yes, they can eat watermelon. There is no harm in feeding red-eared slider turtles with this type of fruit that has plenty of nutrients and minerals essential for the normal functioning of its body systems. You can feed your loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) with peeled watermelon to keep it healthy and strong and can serve … Read more

Can Turtles Eat Arugula?

Arugula can be eaten by turtles. A little bit can’t hurt since it is healthy for them to eat. If you do decide to let your turtle or other aquatic pets eat arugula, just make sure that they are not getting too much of it because even if it is good for them, they can … Read more

Can Turtles Eat Fish Food?

Fish food can make a great supplement to your pet turtle’s diet. But can turtles eat fish food? As with any other types of foods, it is important to remember that feeding live or raw meat can be potentially dangerous for their health. There are also several factors to consider when feeding your pet this … Read more

Can Turtles Eat Bread?

The short answer is yes, turtles can eat small pieces of bread. However there are potential problems that can arise from turtles ingesting bread. Bread can contain ingredients that can be detrimental to turtle health. In particular, baker’s yeast and garlic can result in serious infection or illness if ingested by a turtle. There are … Read more

Can Turtles Eat Broccoli?

If you are a turtle owner, you can serve your turtles broccoli. It is one of the best vegetable that can give benefits to your pet tortoise. Actually it can help them have long healthy life and can also support their immune system. Vegetables can also prevent digestive track problem which can be found in … Read more

Can Turtles Eat Cucumbers?

If you are a turtle owner, can your pet eat cucumbers? Yes it can. You can feed cucumber to your aquatic turtles as long as they are in good health and not overweight. Here’s why feeding cucumbers is fine for turtles: The only real danger with amphibians is rough handling and sudden temperature changes – … Read more

Can Turtles Eat Cabbage?

Cabbage can be part of a turtle diet but it needs to be given as a treat. Avoid feeding them too much. The key is to make sure that your turtle can handle it since some can get sick due to an upset stomach while others can tolerate it better and can thus derive much … Read more