Can Turtles Eat Cat Food?

cat eating cat foodCat food can be dangerous to turtles. Cat food can make your turtle ill, especially if it is just filler product. It can cause eye damage and internal organ failure. You can also feed your pet store bought turtle pellets or aquatic turtle diet foods that can provide all of the nutrients they need to grow back into healthy adults again.

While some canned varieties of cat food do have meat byproducts in them safe for consumption, others may contain chemicals such as gluten and sugar that are not good for turtles to eat at all times. What’s more is that most commercial cat foods have no beef tallow or other fatty ingredients that can provide a healthy skin coat for your pet turtle. The best way to ensure that you’re feeding your pet turtle the right food is to consult a professional and have your vet give you some advice.

What to feed your turtle instead

In the meantime, you can feed your pet turtle a healthy diet using some of the following foods:

  • Zucchini can make for a good snack food and can also double as part of their daily meal. The best part is that it’s safe for them to eat this delicious veggie. You can slice it up and even peel off the skin for easy access. This can then be served with other leafy greens alongside a bit of protein, like cooked shrimp.
  • A few more veggies that can be included in your turtle’s diet include green beans, peas, lettuce and spinach.
  • They can also eat carrots and lettuce if these are given to them raw on occasion. These foods help add some much needed moisture into your turtles’ diet because they can absorb a lot of water from these foods as they can digest them better.
  • The turtle can also eat some fruit. This can be an occasional treat and not something that is given to it daily because too much sugar isn’t good for them but can be offered up occasionally if you have apples, citrus fruits like lemons and limes or even peaches when they are in season. These can then be mixed with the veggies given above to round out their diet. As long as you’re not adding much sugar to the mixture though, the turtle shouldn’t have any health problems after eating some of these treats now and again.

If your pet has any medical conditions such as diabetes or kidney failure, this can put more of a strain on the food given above. The vet can recommend other foods to you that can be given to your pet turtle as part of its daily diet.

You can also feed it some protein treats in addition to fruits and vegetables, too. One good example is cooked chicken breast or beef heart which are packed with nutrition for your turtle that can help supplement their diet and keep them healthy throughout their lives. As long as these meats can be cut up into small pieces before being fed to your pet turtle, you should not have any problems whatsoever with feeding it animal proteins. Some people prefer to cook meat and then freeze it in cubes so they can thaw out only what they need and keep the rest fresh until next time. Either way is fine. You can even add in a few bits of lean cooked beef heart or chicken to their diet if you can’t do this on a regular basis.

To ensure that your turtle is getting all the nutrients it needs, you can also include algae as part of its meals. This can be added into salads and other foods to make sure they are getting enough vitamins and minerals from greens alone. Rather than using food pellets, simply toss some algae into their pool or tank for them to eat whenever they’re hungry instead because it can provide them with more nutrients that way besides being an easier snack option for you at the same time.

If you HAVE to feed your turtle cat food…

When feeding your turtle cat food, you can try giving him these treats sparingly since it can be full of proteins that can cause harm to their intestinal tract. To do this, you can stick with dry cat food instead and give your pet turtle some treats in addition to its regular diet. They can also eat wet cat food but only if they are sick or injured because these can lead to diarrhea and other complications from eating too much at once. Too much protein can also result in skin problems for your pet so you don’t want to overdo it on this front either.